The Twelve Days of Purpose: Day One “Cookie Cups”

My last post really got me thinking about how what we do in our everyday “natural” lives transfers to the spiritual. I’m going to go on a twelve day journey (yes a spin on the classic “Twelve Days of Christmas”) of adding value and renewing purpose to random things in my house. I hope that through this God will show us together not only hidden treasures He has given us in the natural, but also to hidden treasures in the spiritual.

DAY ONE: Cookie Cups

I was doing up some gifts for some people in our lives that help us out a lot in a special way, the medical team that work with Caleb. One is our physiotherapist and the other our health nurse. Both go above and beyond their jobs to invest into us and our boy. I needed a little decorative container to put half a dozen of my White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies into. I went into my disposable dishes cupboard and got this “Solo” cup. Any transparent large-sized cup will work.

Next I covered the cup with plastic wrap to keep the cookies fresh.

I took one of my winter napkins that I had bought at Superstore and cut it into four pieces. I only use one piece per cookie cup. You also will see the ribbon I used in the background.

Taking one of the napkin squares, I placed it on the cup and secured it with an elastic. The elastic is only on temporarily to hold the napkin still while you are tying the ribbon.

I then tied the ribbon around the cup, curled it and removed the elastic. You will have to do some rearranging to get the ribbon and napkin level.

Using stickers that I had in my scrapbook collection I covered the word “Solo” on the back of the cup. This is maybe where you could write the type of cookies you made.

I put stickers of the initials of the type of cookies on top. You could do anything with this, the person’s name, etc.

Finally, I place a snowflake on for the finishing touch. In this photo you can still see the “o” in “Solo”, I couldn’t see it before just sitting on the table. If it was noticeable I would use something else, another sticker, label or border to hide it.

So there you have a beautified plastic cup to hold cookies, or whatever you may want to put in it (this would work for candies as well, although they might put more weight on the plastic wrap and napkin than cookies would).

My verse for today is Ephesians 4:22 – 24

Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception.  Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.
(emphasis mine)

Perhaps you feel as lifeless as a plastic cup! You simply serve your main purpose and that is all. Not only does God want to cleanse you of the unrighteousness in your life, but He also wants to beautify you, fill you with dreams and see you start walking towards your destiny. He will clean you up and use you for many wonderful things!

Join me tomorrow for Day Two in this series!

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